Positive parenting program helps strengthen families

“In all of my work, someone is getting a service; they’re getting something that can improve their lives. That is a really great way to pair something that I’m passionate about with my work at the university teaching and training students.” — Beth Stormshak The Family Check-Up, a parenting skills and support program designed and … Read more

New parenting skills app helps rural OR families

Researchers at the University of Oregon say a new online parenting skills program has helped improve mental health for rural Oregon families. After using the app, called Family Check-Up, for three months, parents reported a decrease in depression symptoms and increased confidence in their parenting. Kate Hails, research associate for the Prevention Science Institute at the University … Read more

Family Check-Up Online effects on parent wellbeing in families of toddler to preschool-age children

The Family Check-Up (FCU) is a brief, cost-effective, and strengths-based parenting intervention that is individually tailored to the needs of families (Dishion & Stormshak, 2007). Parents take part in an ecological assessment, which consists of standardized questions about parenting and family management skills, as well as important contextual factors such as stress, social support, and … Read more

Study: Effective parenting support strengthens rural families

An online parenting skills program developed at the University of Oregon can help parents in rural areas who struggle with substance use or mental health and may have limited access to community resources. Parents who engaged with the program, known as the Family Check-Up, via their smartphones reported fewer symptoms of depression and improved parenting … Read more
