The Family Check-Up (FCU) is a brief, cost-effective, and strengths-based parenting intervention that is individually tailored to the needs of families (Dishion & Stormshak, 2007). Parents take part in an ecological assessment, which consists of standardized questions about parenting and family management skills, as well as important contextual factors such as stress, social support, and health behaviors, including substance use. Following the assessment, a family coach engages the parent in…Read More.
Originally published in Early Childhood Research Quarterly Volume 70, 1st Quarter 2025, Pages 144-153
Research Paper Family Check-Up Online effects on parenting and parent wellbeing in families of toddler to preschool-age children
Authors: Katherine A. Hails, Anna Cecilia McWhirter, Audrey C.B. Sileci, Elizabeth A. Stormshak